Meteor Magic: Velez-Malaga Perseid Night Hike Delights Stargazers

hikers at a tower at night

Participants make it to the tower during last year’s night hike. Photo credit: Carlos Castro Fotógrafo

STARGAZERS are in for an unforgettable experience during the 6th annual Perseid Night Hike from Velez-Malaga’s Triana neighbourhood on Saturday, August 12.

Participants in this approximately 10 kilometre night trek will witness the dazzling Perseid meteor shower under dark skies from the iconic La Atalaya tower, with an added stop at the fascinating Kalachakra Buddhist stupa monument.

Organisers promise a memorable night of stargazing, cultural sights, local culinary delights and community spirit.

According to the local Deputy Mayor Lourdes Piña, the hike is a chance for residents across Velez-Malaga to connect with nature and astronomy while getting some exercise and socialising.

She highlighted the route’s medium-high difficulty rating, advising that participants are physically prepared for the route.

Councillors are looking forward to the event.
Photo credit: Ayuntamiento de Vélez-Málaga

The hike will kick off at the Café-Teatro de Triana at 7:30pm from a ‘zero kilometre’ point where participants can make a voluntary donation to the local branch of the Red Cross.

Hikers will then follow mountain trails to the towering Buddhist stupa, an unique sight in Andalucia, before ascending to the 15th century La Atalaya tower ruins.

hikers at night with buddhist monument
Hikers stop at the unique Buddhist monument.
Photo credit: Carlos Castro Fotógrafo

Astronomer Carlos Castro will provide expert guidance about the Milky Way and Perseid meteor shower from the tower.

Hikers can expect to witness up to 100 meteors per hour lighting up the August sky on the special night.

After the stargazing activity ends, participants will return to Velez-Malaga for a meal featuring regional food and drink, and an after-party with a prize raffle.

Deputy mayor Piña encouraged all residents that are able to join the Perseid meteor hike, saying “this beautiful event allows you to enjoy a night in contact with nature and astronomy”.

Hikers must bring a backpacks containing water, warm layers, headlamps, and hiking shoes. They must also arrive early and respect the countryside.

With a blend of astronomy, exercise, and community fun, the Perseid Night Hike offers a unique way to experience Velez-Malaga’s natural and cultural treasures after dark.

The mountain trail is lit up by hikers’ headtorches.
Photo credit: Carlos Castro Fotógrafo

About the Perseid Meteor Shower

The Perseid meteor shower is one of the most spectacular astronomical events of the year. Taking place each August, this meteor shower produces up to 100 meteors per hour as Earth passes through a debris field left by a comet.

Fast and bright Perseid meteors blaze across the sky as they burn up in Earth’s atmosphere. The meteor shower is a highlight of the summer for astronomers everywhere.

The meteor shower is best seen over dark locations.
Photo credit: Benjamin Schaefer /

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