Hospitality sector has fewer workers in Benidorm « Euro Weekly News

Hospitality sector has fewer workers in Benidorm

DESPITE hotel occupancy levels in Benidorm increasing to levels near those of 2007, the hospitality sector employing fewer people than it did four years ago.

Yet the number of hotel workers has increased by 315 since last year. In 2007 there were 5,604 staff employed at hotels in the city, but this year there are just 5,468, according to the National Statistics Institute.

While this may not seem much of a difference at first glance, when one takes into consideration that there are now 2,365 more hotel beds this year than there was four years ago this number is significant. There are now 39,413 hotel beds in 131 establishments in Benidorm.

“This data reveals that employers are trying to maximize profits by employing few workers to carry out an increased work load,” a spokesman for the CCOO union said.

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