Benidorm knows you can’t beat a bobby on the beat

RINCON DE LOIX: Foot patrols will deter conmen from targeting tourists

COMMUNITY police are at last patrolling Benidorm’s Avenida del Mediterraneo and Rincon de Loix on foot.

These areas have the resort’s highest concentration of British tourists, residents and business-owners and all have been calling for a greater police presence for some time.

Patrols would discourage the criminals and pickpockets who rob and dupe tourists, a spokesman for the British Benidorm association suggested at the end of last summer. 

They proliferate around Mercaloix in the Rincon, where scams range from “find the lady” operators to collectors for non-existent charities who target tourists.

With Community Police in the Avenida del Mediterraneo and Rincon de Loix, which overlap with the bars and discos of Benidorm’s so-called “English zone,” the con artists will now have a harder time of it.

The 10 members of thbe Local Police and two officers will coordinate with the 30 policemen who already patrol the Levante and Poniente beaches, Public Safety councillor Jose Vicente Marcet announced.

“It is vital to make direct contact with residents, patrolling the streets to gain their trust and establish an easy relationship with them,” Marcet said.

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Euro Weekly News Media

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    • John Woods

      23 January 2014 • 14:48

      Not before time I have lived in Benidorm for some years and the scourge of the Resort has been the pickpockets and P Men it is not beyond the will of man to patrol the area with plain clothed police to eliminate this problem As for the Tourists you can walk down any avenue in Benidorm and see wallets in the back pockets of men in jeans and shorts even I could pick those pockets and get away with it As for the Ladies handbags slung behind their backs how easy to steal a purse and have you holiday spoilt

    • Nazza

      27 January 2014 • 08:19

      That’s so true john and as a holiday maker who goes over 3/4 times a year as I love it .But to work hard to pay for the holidays we should be Able to go about our ways not worrying if we are going to be pick pocketed or a target for our gold ..Still wont put me of but I have cut back my trips …mazza

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