DISTRESSING CONTENT: Woman reported for having 10 of her dogs chained up 24 hours a day in Spain « Euro Weekly News

DISTRESSING CONTENT: Woman reported for having 10 of her dogs chained up 24 hours a day in Spain

THE Seprona unit of the Spanish Guardia Civil of Cangas have reported a woman for having her dogs chained up all day in Vilaboa, Galicia.

The Nature Protection Service denounced the woman for infringing the new 4/2917 Law of the Xunta de Galicia of protection and animal welfare.

Seprona officers confirmed that 10 of the woman’s 14 dogs had been permanently chained up 24 hours a day.

The owner had not microchipped 12 of the canines, nor had they been registered under the ‘Registro Gallego de Núcleos Zoológicos’, as is mandatory for having over five dogs.

Several complaints were also made for various administrative issues related mainly to documentary records and microchips, which were forwarded to the Delegation.

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