It definitely was a cracker for Moraira in Costa Blanca!

TEULADA-MORAIRA LIONS presented their Christmas show, ‘It’s a cracker’, at Espai la Senieta in Moraira.
The performance opened with the Lady Elizabeth school choir and great Christmas selection that included their own version of Jingle Bells.
Young Florrie, who virtually stole the show with Away in a Manger and Silent Night, was followed by Barry Peters who also sang a duet with Julia Bless.
After the interval Leah Kankowski and her accompanist on the piano entertained with songs from the recent film, A Star is Born.
They were followed by Julia Bless with a great set of Christmas melodies and the show, which was a great start to Christmas, and was rounded off by the Costa Blanca Male Voice Choir.
For further information about the Teulada-Moraira Lions Club, forthcoming events and fundraising activities, it is available on their site: and at their Facebook page.
New members are very welcome, and readers interested in joining the Teulada-Moraira Lions can obtain further from the website.

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Written by

Lisa Burgess
