Still 200 Million Left to Claim

The Ministry of Industry, commerce and tourism will not now extend the “Plan Remove” despite 200 million euros in aid available.

When buying a new car in Spain, the “Plan Remove” allows for help purchasing new vehicles with a subsidy to pay for the new car very similar to a scrappage scheme.

The deadline to register is Thursday, December 31, 2020. Just under 35,000 requests have been made for this help totalling slightly under 38 million euros, representing a minimal take-up of the offer, only 15 per cent.

The Federation of Automotive Dealers Associations Gerardo Perez says the grant is not enough, and it must be raised to 1000 euros.

More people would be interested in buying a new car and receiving the money, but at only 400 euros per new vehicle purchased, the incentive isn’t there.

Quite possibly the question to ask now is what to do with the 210 million euros leftover in grant money for the purchase of a new car in Spain.

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Mark Reynolds
