Pfizer and Moderna Vaccines Immunize For Up to Three Years

FDA finally approves its first Covid-19 Vaccine

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COVID-19 vaccines developed with new messenger RNA technology, currently those produced by Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech, can prevent an adult from severe COVID-19 cases for three years, according to a study by Swiss scientists released on June 25.

As reported by La Opinion de Malaga, the research, published by the Swiss Government’s Scientific Working Group against covid-19, reduces, however, to 16 months the possible immunity of those vaccinated with this type of vaccine against moderate forms of the virus.

According to Swiss scientists, the Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines, the only ones currently administered in Spain, create an antibody response between two and four times greater than that presented by those who have overcome the disease, which means longer-lasting protection.

The study clarifies that the duration of this protection could decrease among people over 75 years of age and therefore reduce it to between 15 and 24 months against severe forms of covid-19 and from 7 to 10 months for moderate versions, which is always the case with Messenger RNA vaccines.

The duration of the vaccination immunization will be important when organizing reinforcement campaigns and also determine the validity of the “covid-19 certificates”, which at least in the short term could be necessary to travel or attend mass events in Switzerland and other countries.

The text advances that the calculated protection periods could be reduced, although it is not yet calculated exactly how much, in the case of the delta variant, which is much more contagious than previous strains of the coronavirus and also seems to need a greater amount of antibodies in the body to be neutralized.

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Diane Burke

Diane is from Limerick, Ireland and has previously lived in Seville. Having graduated with a Masters in Journalism and Public Relations she has a keen interest in digital media. As well as her passion for news, she enjoys learning about human psychology, practising pilates and has a soft spot for tapas!
