Andalucia announces solidarity with Africa

Andalucia announces solidarity with Africa

Andalucia announces solidarity with Africa. Image: Wikimedia

ANDALUCIA has expressed its solidarity with the young people of countries in Africa.

The Junta de Andalucia has announced its solidarity in improving opportunities for young people in Africa.
Officials at the Junta de Andalucia said it will be working to improve condition for young people in Morocco and other African countries.
The Junta said: “The great problems facing Andalusia and other territories can only be tackled with an inclusive, global and supportive perspective. A vision that Andalusia has incorporated transversally in its… policies and, specifically, in its development cooperation policies.”
In 2019, Andalusia launched its Andalucian Development Cooperation Plan (PACODE), a document prepared with all Andalucian agents and entities that develop development cooperation programmes.
The plan identifies North Africa and Sub-Saharan Africa as prioritised areas for its plans, which are aimed at improving the living conditions and the possibilities of these communities, as we all as improving opportunities for young people there.
Jorge Tellez, head of the Mediterranean and Sub-Saharan Africa Area of an Andalucian international development agency, said that Andalucia is part of a programme to improve education for young people in Morocco.
He said this programme, “seeks to reduce school failure as one of the reasons for the dropout rate through strategic actions aimed at generating development opportunities.”
He added: “Andalucia contributes resources and experience in the training of educators, the development of infrastructures for teaching and the awareness of families about the importance of education for the future. Thanks to this support, they have been trained teaching staff and developed 37 classrooms.”
Andalucia has also been working to integrate migrants who arrive in Morocco.

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