Bye bye Covid-19, Hello flu

The flu is back

The flu is back image: Wikipedia

Maybe its a little to early to say bye bye Covid-19, but its definitely time to say hello flu according to health professionals in Spain.

According to Dr. José Luis Almudí, Primary Care Physician and President of the College of Physicians of Valladolid flu is back, with the influenza virus having been detected since early March.He told LaSexta that this time around its different with the traditional flu season being December to March, but this year flu has arrived much later than usual.

He said: “We usually begin to see flu cases in mid-December and then at the end of January and at the beginning of February they began to drop. But for the last two years we have seen no cases due to the pandemic.

“Right now, in the last 20 days we are seeing the flus that we have not seen either this winter or last. Flu cases in the month of March are above expectations and outside the usual season. It is not that it is rare to see flu in March, but it is exceptional.”

Sources within the health sector say that although cases are appearing they are not doing so in numbers anywhere like those seen prior to the pandemic. As in the case with coronavirus flu epidemics occur when the numbers infected exceed 50 per 100,000 inhabitants, an infection rate they say is still far away.

Castilla y Leon and Catalomia were the first two communities to report cases but in both instances Covid-19 infections far outnumber those of flu, prompting the same sources to say that the arrival of flu is not yet cause for concern.

Hospital admissions are on the rise though with La Gaceta de Salamanca, reporting that in some hospitals such as the one in the capital of Tormes, there are more hospitalised with flu (34) than for COVID-29 (29).

The National Influenza Center of Valladolid tweeted on March 15: “Señr@s, well, like this, suddenly, we have an #flu epidemic. In week 10/2022 #CastillayLeón the incidence rate exceeds 50 cases/100,000 inhabitants”.

Almudí says: “At this time, where we are seeing more cases of influenza is in children and unvaccinated adults, not in older people.

He adds the most common symptoms are high fever, general malaise and dry cough.

“And we also know that it is influenza A because in the cases in which sequencing has been done, it has been seen that it is the one that is circulating the most now.”

He finished by saying we are seeing more flu cases in children and unvaccinated adults

According to the latest report of ‘Sentinel Surveillance of Acute Respiratory Infection in Primary Care (ARI) and in Hospitals (SARI) Influenza, COVID-19 and other respiratory viruses’, published yesterday, March 24, confirms the upward trend of recent weeks:

“All surveillance indicators indicate an increase in the circulation of influenza viruses.”

The number of positive samples has not yet skyrocketed despite the higher incidence of hospital cases.

Protect yourself from flu

Anti COVID-19 measures were effective in keeping flu at bay, Dr Almudi explains. He says: “Thanks above all to the mask (and good vaccination coverage) there has hardly been any flu.

“The mask is the most important element to prevent the transmission of all respiratory diseases that are transmitted through the air -through aerosols- such as the flu, the respiratory syncytial virus (which affects the smallest), the colds and COVID.

This is one of the reasons why health authorities have maintained the use of masks indoors, especially in the company of vulnerable people. Masks are believed to prevent many respiratory infections.

Almudi concludes: “It is important that when we have a respiratory process, regardless of COVID-19, which can be a cold, flu or any other, we have a responsibility towards the community to put on a mask to prevent the transmission of these viruses.”

As we say hello flu, health professionals recommend that everyone continues to follow the same sanitary habits that have helped to keep us safe from Covid-19, use of masks, hand washing and sanitising.

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Written by

Peter McLaren-Kennedy

Originally from South Africa, Peter is based on the Costa Blanca and is a web reporter for the Euro Weekly News covering international and Spanish national news. Got a news story you want to share? Then get in touch at


    • Naimah Yianni

      30 March 2022 • 11:40

      “Right now, in the last 20 days we are seeing the flus that we have not seen either this winter or last” That´s really amazing that nobody had the flu for 2 years, I wonder how that happened? It´s also amazing that nobody seems to understand that the test that was used to diagnose Covid also comes up positive if you have 1 of around 30 other different illnesses (including the flu, colds, urine infections, chickenpox, measles, to name just a few). Also interesting that around a year ago, 7 top universities in the USA double checked the results from 1200 PCR tests that came up positive, by checking the samples under electron microscopes (the only way to determine what has caused the positive result) and found that all of them contained either Influenza A or Influenza B and nothing else. Doesn´t take a rocket scientist to work out what has been going on, does it? In this situation, everyone on this planet should be asking themselves “Cui bono” (“to whom is it a benefit?”). Unfortunately most people don´t even stop to think. Governments have been very happy to use their behavioural science units to instill fear and to brainwash the masses into being unable to think or question for themselves. This is the most dangerous phenomena of our times, not some bogeyman virus

    • CCW60

      30 March 2022 • 15:28

      So the flu just simply magically disappeared for the last 2 years and the numbers this year didn’t start until the mandates were dropped in February or March??? Who the hell do ‘they’ think they are fooling? The flu DIDN’T just magically disappear, nor did the numbers magically drop this year compared to other years. The FACT is most so called COVID positive tests included FLU numbers because the strains of the virus’s could not be differentiated. There has never been a test that could ISOLATE the COVID virus from all others. We have all been hood-winked by media hype paid for by the highest bidder in the political realm! This has been a worldwide phenomenon. The rhetorical question is WHY. The answer requires sharp, critical thinking skills and the ability to follow the money!

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