Here comes the flu after Gibraltar starts to recover from pandemic

Wrap up warm and avoid others

Wrap up warm and avoid others Credit: CC

HERE comes the flu after Gibraltar starts to recover from pandemic and its likely to spread along the Costa del Sol.

Experts have been warning that the Costa del Sol and Malaga Province can expect an outbreak of flu and now the Gibraltar Health Authority (GHA) has announced that it has already hit the Rock.

Over the last two years Gibraltar has had very low levels of circulating influenza, likely as a result of reduced social mixing and good respiratory hygiene.

The GHA points out that it is unusual for influenza cases to increase this late in the year, which means that whilst the seasonal flu vaccine administered last autumn was very effective, the level of immunity that it offered is now waning.

Whilst influenza is unpleasant, most people will recover within a week, however, it can be a serious illness for the very young and the elderly.

Influenza does have very similar symptoms to Covid-19: high temperature, cough, blocked nose, muscle aches, sore throat and tiredness.

Its advice is equally pertinent to those in Spain which is that individuals who experience these symptoms but test negative for Covid-19 may have influenza A and should stay at home until 24 hours after the fever is gone whilst ensuring that they don’t come into contact with vulnerable relatives if at all possible.

As a matter of interest, the GHA has just announced that it is offering a fourth Covid-19 vaccination to all Gibraltar residents as it has 4,500 does which will expire by the end of June.

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