Firefighters and members of the public hot foot it along the ‘Carrera del Fuego’ charity run in Almería

Firefighters took to the streets in a five kilometre race in full kit in aid of a local charity. Photo credit: Ayuntamiento de Almería

THE ‘Carrera del Fuego’ fireman’s run in Almería received a blazing reception on Sunday, February 19 with members of the emergency services and the public posting excellent times in the five and ten kilometre disciplines.

This year’s race was the second edition of the event and saw more than 1,300 runners take to the streets of Almería to enjoy a spectacular route through the city’s historic old town. Hundreds of spectators lined the streets to cheer on the runners as they raced past.

As well as members of the public, there was also a discipline specifically designed for firefighters who ran five kilometres dressed in firefighting kit which added an extra eight to ten kilometres of weight. 40 firefighters competed in the category this year.

The race was also organised in aid of a local charity, the URA CLAN rugby Foundation.

Youness Belyamna sped to first place in the ten kilometre discipline with an impressive time of 34 minutes, two seconds. Alejandro Estévez Martín won the five kilometre category with a time of 17 minutes, 13 seconds.
