The Future of Crypto: Dogecoin, Big Eyes Coin and Polkadot make sustainable money moves!

The Future of Crypto: Dogecoin, Big Eyes Coin and Polkadot make sustainable money moves!

Cryptocurrencies are always looking for new ways they can better serve their communities. Here are several ways that Polkadot (DOT), Big Eyes Coin (BIG), and Dogecoin (DOGE) are doing just that.

Teeny-tiny Carbon Footprints

There are three words wetting the lips of Millennials and Gen-Zs alike: net carbon zero. This is a goal which the UK government is aiming to reach by 2030 – hurrah! Cryptocurrencies are following-suit. Polkadot says it consumes a small fraction of the energy that other typical blockchains use. It uses a nominated proof-of-stake (NPoS) model to ensure this. Polkadot also states that it uses the equivalent of around 6.6 US households worth of energy per year, which they say means they have the lowest carbon footprint among their fellow proof-of-stake protocols.

Spread the Love

Cryptocurrencies are also making positive strides for the planet through charitable works. Dogecoin’s history is well-established in charitable pursuits: in Kenya, Dogecoin funded clean water wells in 2014 and the #TeamSeas initiative in 2021. Big Eyes Coin is an adorable meme coin cat who has a passion for creating a greener, sustainable world. On its website, Big Eyes Coin states that it is reserving 5% of its Tokens to donate to ocean-saving charities. This adorable meme coin wants everyone with a fin to win!

Big Eyes Coin has also launched the vault pin 819. If you enter the vault pin 819, you will get free Lootboxes when you purchase tokens! When you enter the Big Eyes Coin website, you can enter the vault pin before buying tokens, and you will get the following Lootboxes depending on your purchase. Even better, the more you spend, the more Lootboxes you will receive. The Vault pin must be 819.

If users spend over $100, they will get free Lootboxes of a random amount of $BIG Tokens!

The more you spend, the more you get, with examples below:

  • $100 gets you a Saver tin (and you could win up to $1000 worth of $BIG)
  • $1000 gets you a Cute Box (and you could win up to $10,000 worth of $BIG)
  • $5000 gets you a Kitty Vault (and you could win up to $25,000 worth of $BIG)
  • $10,000 gets you a Super Saiyan box (and you could win up to $100,000 worth of $BIG)
  • $100,000 gets you an Excali-Paw Chest (and you could win up to $1 Million worth of $BIG)

Community-driven Cash

Cryptocurrencies are made with people in mind, and that is what makes them so appealing. They allow users to send and receive money through the internet anywhere in the world. But did you know that they could make you anything from a steady income earner to a millionaire? Staking is a popular way people can make money using crypto. To do this, you would lock up your crypto assets for a certain amount of time to help support the performance of a blockchain. For doing this, many cryptos will give you rewards in their native cryptocurrency.

Future of cryptocurrency

The future of cryptocurrencies looks bright: a vast majority are coming up with new ways to become as environmentally friendly as possible and continue to make their users money. It is important to do as much research as you can before investing in a cryptocurrency. We can safely say that investing in cryptocurrency is investing in the future of digital finance, and who knows where that will lead? Cryptocurrencies are here to stay, and they will soon be changing the way we make transactions and interactions. Hopefully, they can continue to build a sustainable world in the process.

Big Eyes Coin (BIG)





WARNING: The investment in crypto assets is not regulated, it may not be suitable for retail investors and the total amount invested could be lost

AVISO IMPORTANTE: La inversión en criptoactivos no está regulada, puede no ser adecuada para inversores minoristas y perderse la totalidad del importe invertido

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