Europe records second hottest winter EVER according to European Climate Change Service

Europe records second hottest winter EVER according to European Climate Change Service

Europe records second hottest winter EVER according to European Climate Change Service. Image:

EUROPE is no stranger to winter weather, but this year’s season brought a change in the pattern. According to data released by the European Union’s Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) on Wednesday, March 8, the continent just experienced its second-warmest winter on record.

Throughout the continent, temperatures hovered at an average of 1.4 degrees Celsius above the 1991-2020 average. While the winter may have felt mild in some areas, it was anything but ordinary. December and January’s weather was described as a ‘severe winter heatwave’, with record-high temperatures being recorded in countries including France.

The Swiss town of Altdorf also saw temperatures soar to 19.2 degrees Celsius, breaking a record that had been in place since 1864.

This is not the first time Europe has experienced a warmer winter. Scientists believe that the trend is a result of climate change, which is causing global temperatures to rise.

While the mild winter may have temporarily eased some of the strain on governments dealing with high gas prices, it poses a significant threat to wildlife and agriculture.


    • Naimah Yianni

      09 March 2023 • 15:11

      How the hell do they work that one out? It´s freezing in the UK, it´s freezing in Germany, in this part of Spain where Iam it´s been the coldest I can remember for at least 5 years if not the whole 15 years that I´ve been here. UK has no tomatoes because it´s so cold in Spain. I think they´re making these statistics up.

      Also, if you look at historical (records kept by monasteries etc) before “official” records began, it was much warmer, certainly in the UK, than it ever has been since

      Stop pushing the global warming crap, the earth is cooling and has been for years.

      The whole clinate change agenda is another fake scenario put together to push UN Agenda 2030 (the road to life as a prisoner)

      • Anne Sewell

        10 March 2023 • 06:24

        Why do people insist that the UK has no tomatoes due to it being cold in Spain? If that was the case, why do we have plenty of tomatoes in Spain and all over Europe? LOL. Seriously, look closer to home. Meanwhile, we have had an unusually warm winter here on the Costa del Sol.

    • D

      10 March 2023 • 14:49

      Is that Joe Biden in the picture holding the ice cream cone with the chocolate melting all over his fingers? I knew he was an idiot, but I did not know he wore pink fingernail polish. 🤣🤣🤣

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