Euro Weekly News’ reader’s letters and opinions – Issue 1970

Women in Business Supplement 30 March - 5 April 2023 Issue 1969

NOW is your chance! Let us know what you think, whether it be a suggestion or an opinion we love to hear from our readers. Here are our Euro Weekly News’ reader’s letters and opinions – Issue 1970.


I was just sitting down to message you and say congratulations to the team on an outstanding edition of Euro Weekly.

The Women in Business section is top-notch. These women are deserving of recognition, brilliant.

Apart from that the paper appears to have more interesting features than normal. I feel it’s like a Sunday paper but without the colour supplement.

Really first class. Thankyou.

Berni Albrighton, Almeria

Dear Editor,

IT is over 100 years since the First World War which lasted from 1914 till 1918 and this trench warfare is now being re-enacted in Bakhmut.

To get an idea of this , just watch ‘All Quiet on the Western Front’.

Absolutely horrific for all men there fighting for their country.

Putin has a lot to answer for!

Brian Johnston, Benalmadena

To the Distributions Manager Euroweeklynews,

First of all I would like to thank you on behalf of the community of Caravaning & Camping La Manga for starting to recommence the delivery service of the Euroweeklynews to our site. It’s been long awaited and I understand the reasons why due to the impact of the past few years that rocked the nation and the world. Hopefully we can all try and but carefully get back to some kind of normality, but not forget the virus still lingers on.

Anyway, having seen that we have received the first batch of papers. May I request an additional 50 copies be delivered knowing the amount of residents that reside here. The numbers will go up especially during the winter months from September to late March when the snowbirds come down for the winter Sun. The papers are so informative and would be gratefully received. Hopefully, you can supply more now and a further increase later after the summer.

Yours Gratefully, Mr S L Tryner (Resident)

Re letter from Joe edition 30th March.

Whilst I sympathise with him, he admitted living illegally in Spain for 13 years, only returning to UK when the 90/180 day rule caught up with him.   For 10 years of that 13 he would have been on a UK state pension,  so if registered here, eligible for S1 free medical cover for him and his wife.  He therefore did not `need´ two lots of expensive private health insurance for 10 of the 13 years.  He also paid non-resident tax unnecessarily for 13 years.

He said he and his wife did not register in Spain because they wanted access to NHS in UK. That of course was not legal.  On returning to UK he was not able to get a hernia operation on the NHS, so went private. Had they been legal they could have continued living happily in Spain and had free medical treatment for his hernia, gall stones, enlarged prostate, wife’s Parkinson’s,  etc.

Lastly; He adversely compared his failure to get an NHS hernia operation with Gary Glitter, who had a knee operation on NHS. However, Glitter although convicted,  was legally entitled to NHS cover in UK.

Sorry Joe but honesty often is the best policy!

John Carrington

Like Valerie Neale, I know that getting a Blue Badge is not easy, and it is not issued by one’s GP.

Some years ago I investigated the procedure which involved an appointment with Social Services at the Town Hall where the procedure is started.

Next, you go to your GP so that they can certify that the applicant, my wife in this case, doe indeed qualify for a Blue Badge.

When you have that, back you go to the Town Hall, and are told you might get your Badge within 2 years!

Because I drive and my wife has a wheelchair, I gave up as we have not met any situation, so far, where a Blue Badge would have helped.

Ken Cook, Gata de Gorgos

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