A Modern Jive with Colin and Natalie

Dancing Feet! Credit: Swing O Rama

LEARNING to dance. Something many of us would love to do but also a task that can feel a little daunting to some!

After a break from their evenings of twisting and twirling, renowned dance experts Colin and Natalie are back with a bang to bring electric events and convert you from sitting on your chair to dominating the dance floor! 

Their dancing workshops have been featured on BBC One, BBC Breakfast News and Channels 4 and 5. They have taught over 2,000 people to dance here in Spain from all ages from 18 to 80. Their clients leave with a new found confidence and feeling good on the dance floor. 

They hold their classes every Tuesday evening from 5pm until 7pm at the Doña Julia Golf Club and the entrance fee is €10 per person. They welcome people of all ages and with all levels of experience, especially complete beginners! They promise to provide a skill that will change one’s social skills forever, no more ‘Dad dancing’ or waiting until after five drinks to dare to join the dancing! 

Attendees will experience the beauty of the Modern Jive and be shown that it can be danced to many different styles and speeds of music. 

There is no need to book, come along single or in a partner, just make sure to wear comfortable clothes and sport an open minded attitude! Don’t worry, there will be no blocks of stone, weeping, or wooden chairs to dance with! Everyone will receive a partner. 

For more information call 635 717 211 or email colin@jivespain.com. Alternatively you can visit their website www.jivespain.com

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Written by

Jennifer Popplewell

Jennifer is a proud northerner from Sheffield, England, who is currently living in Spain. She loves swimming in rivers, talking to the stars and eating luxurious chocolate.
