Denia´s glory 2024

Ninot exhibition in Denia 2024 Credit: Anna Akopyan

From March 17 until March 19, Denia hosted one the most vibrant celebrations of The Fallas in the Valencian Community.

The streets, crowded with local families, national tourists and visitors from Europe and beyond, lit up in the festive grandeur of the Spanish holiday.

One of the Falleros (participant of The Fallas), revealed: “In Spain, no one knows that here we do falls but then they come and are left with their mouths open.” 

Although the Canary Islands and Barcelona continue to be the high attraction points, the secret gems of the Valencian Community are becoming the favourite getaway of many tourists.

With Denia´s value of traditions and celebrations, the rate of visitors especially increases during the spring. Denia´s Mayor, Vicent Grimalt, announced: “There have been more people than on many summer days.”

One of the Falleros shared the commitment which both the locals and the visitors have to the spring celebration in Denia: “They say that in Denia we are crazy, that the money we spend here on the Fallas is not normal.”

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Written by

Anna Akopyan

Originally from Moscow, with Russian and Armenian origins, Anna has lived in Costa Blanca for over ten years. She is passionate about singing, acting and traveling.
