Ojeando Festival combines veteran Spanish bands and emerging artists

Rufus T Firefly are one of the headline acts

Rufus T Firefly are one of the headline acts Credit: Rufus T Firefly

OJEANDO Festival combines veteran Spanish bands and emerging artists on its line-up for July 1 and 2.

THE town of Ojen will bring together a number of Spanish bands at the Patio Stage as part of the OJEANDO Festival which takes place on July 1 and 2.

Two-day tickets for access to see the main bands cost €29.20 including booking fee and an additional €16.50 for camping at https://entradas.tickbox.es/.

There will be a number of additional stages offering free music scattered around the town and a total of 30 to 40 artists are expected to take part,

The headliners will be Madrid rock veterans Los Enemigos who will be performing work from their new album Bestieza as well as indie band Rufus T Firefly, also from Madrid who are named after the Groucho Marx character in Duck Soup.

Other bands appearing on the main stage will be Natalia Lacunza, Derby Motoreta’s Burrito Cachimba, Niños Mutantes and Colectivo Da Silva who cover the range of boy band pop to progressive rock.

Supported by the Malaga Provincial Council and the Junta de Andalucia, this is yet another indication that the Costa del Sol is returning to normal after two years of sacrifice due to the pandemic.

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