Free online Japan’s True Colours Festival embraces diversity

Katy Perry appears on both evenings

Katy Perry appears on both evenings Credit: True Colours Festival

Free online Japan’s True Colours Festival embraces diversity and runs for two nights with headline guest Katy Perry.

There are to be two concerts each headlined by the American singer and in addition the show which is due to last two and a half hours will feature 90 singers, dancers and musicians from around the world, all of whom have overcome some form of disability.

Representing the UK will be 28-year-old blind from birth Welsh pianist Rachel Starritt who plays both classical and jazz and was part of the 2016 cast who were filmed for Channel 4’s We’re the Superhumans trailer for the Rio Paralympic Games.

Also appearing is the amazingly talented 34-year-old model, bionic pop star, and actress Viktoria Modesta who at the age of 15 decided that due to problems from childhood she wanted to have her leg amputated and she is now an amazing example for those with prothesis.

TCF The Concert 2022 organised by The Nippon Foundation will be performed twice, at Japan’s Tokyo Garden Theatre on the evenings of November 19 and 20 November with Katy Perry and all of the artists appearing at both concerts.

There is a significant time difference between Tokyo and Spain but if you are up reasonably early in the morning, then you can watch either or both concerts free of charge through the following link

The Friday November 19 concert starts at 6pm in Tokyo (9am Spain) and the November 20 concert starts an hour earlier at 5pm Tokyo time (8am Spain).

Commenting on the concert, Katy Perry said “What moved me to join True Colours Festival was the spirit and uniqueness of the festival’s message and the opportunity to share the stage with all these diverse artists. I’m excited to be back in Tokyo to perform at this inspiring event.”

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