By Chris King • Published: 26 Jan 2023 • 22:00 • 2 minutes read
Image of far-right politician Rasmus Paludan. Credit: Wikipedia - By Tobias Hellsten / ToHell - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,
Rasmus Paludan, the far-right politician who recently burned a copy of the holy Koran in front of the Turkish Embassy, has reportedly threatened today, Thursday, January 26, to do the same thing again tomorrow, Friday 27, in the Danish city of Copenhagen.
“Tomorrow at 12.30, I will go to a mosque in Copenhagen, Denmark and burn the Qur’an”, he is reported as saying, according to the Turkish news outlet, Devamke.
Resmen belasını arıyor! Geçtiğimiz günlerde Türk Büyükelçiliği önünde Kur'an yakan aşırı sağcı siyasetçi Rasmus Paludan, "Yarın saat 12.30’da Danimarka, Kopenhag’da bulunan bir camii önüne gideceğim ve Kuran-ı Kerim yakacağım." dedi. — Devamke 🇹🇷 (@emtevbrane) January 26, 2023
Resmen belasını arıyor!
Geçtiğimiz günlerde Türk Büyükelçiliği önünde Kur'an yakan aşırı sağcı siyasetçi Rasmus Paludan, "Yarın saat 12.30’da Danimarka, Kopenhag’da bulunan bir camii önüne gideceğim ve Kuran-ı Kerim yakacağım." dedi.
— Devamke 🇹🇷 (@emtevbrane) January 26, 2023
The politician caused outrage among the Muslim community last week after he burned a Koran in the Swedish capital of Stockholm. He was granted permission to carry out the act by the country’s government.
His action was allegedly in response to Turkey blocking Sweden’s application to join NATO. It came after a group of protesters had previously burned a life-sized effigy of Turkish president Erdogan publicly in Stockholm.
In an interview with the Swedish daily, Aftonbladet, he announced that the provocations will not stop. He pointed out that he intends to burn three Korans in Copenhagen tomorrow, Friday 27. One will be burnt at a mosque, one at the Russian embassy and then one at the Turkish embassy he said.
Unlike his act in Sweden, Paludan does not need a permit in Denmark, but he must notify the authorities 24 hours before carrying out any action. “I will announce that this is Erdogan’s fault. Now that he doesn’t want to let Sweden into NATO, I have to teach him about freedom of speech until he does”, the politician told the newspaper.
He also claimed that he intends to keep burning copies of the holy book every Friday at 2pm. “As I see it, Erdogan is a liar, and it is his fault that it is necessary to burn a Koran to teach him how freedom of speech works. When he says it’s someone else’s fault, he doesn’t know how causality works”, Paludan continued.
On Wednesday 25, the Danish provocateur – who also has Swedish citizenship – said that he was in favour of Sweden being admitted to NATO and that it is something he stands by. Now he insisted that President Erdogan himself must decide how long the Koran campaign will last.
Paludan assured: “It is also a promise that when he lets Sweden into NATO, I will never in my entire life burn a Koran in front of a Turkish embassy again”.
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Originally from Wales, Chris spent years on the Costa del Sol before moving to the Algarve where he is a web reporter for The Euro Weekly News covering international and Spanish national news. Got a news story you want to share? Then get in touch at
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