Sound the Alarm plus more Health and Beauty snippets

Sound the Alarm and other Health and Beauty snippets

EARLY AWAKENING: Can make a job more stressful Photo credit: Pixabay/Congerdesign

A SURVEY of 4,500 people in the Czech Republic carried out between 2018 and 2020 found that getting up early for work frequently made a job more stressful and life less satisfying.

Awakening when an alarm goes off instead of stirring naturally and sleeping longer tends to throw our internal body clock off kilter, investigators concluded.

This produced an effect resembling the jetlag produced when flying to a country with a different time zone, they said.

The Czech investigators described this as “social jetlag” and found that it also had the knock-on effect of making work appear to be more taxing and life less fulfilling.

The sneezing season SPRING brings hay fever but there are ways of avoiding it.

“Everyone can tolerate a certain amount of pollen before suffering an allergic reaction,” explained Dr Clare Morrison.  “If you keep enough pollen out, symptoms won’t be triggered.”

Shower and change your clothes when you get home, keep windows shut and avoid drying your washing outdoors, she advised.

Vacuum regularly, especially beds and fabrics, and damp-dust surfaces to remove pollen without dispersing it into the air.  If you own a pet, ensure that it is groomed and shampooed as often as possible to remove pollen particles.

Use an allergen barrier balm around the nostrils and decongestant eyedrops throughout the day.

Patch it up HERBAL patches containing herbs and botanical extracts are combining to help women overcome menopause symptoms.

While hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is a standard menopause solution, the natural patches contain a variety of herbs, many of them rich in plant oestrogens that help to re-balance hormones.  Traditionally known to ease menopause symptoms, these include black cohosh, valerian, skullcap, red clover and gotu kola.

The patches helped them to cope with the classic symptoms of hot flushes, night sweats, disrupted sleep, decreased sex drive and mood swings as well as memory and concentration problems, users said.

Ready for later RECENT research has shed new light on the way that activities and attitudes in middle age can improve our chances of good health when older.

A study published by the British Medical Journal found that satisfying relationships with partners, relatives, friends and colleagues are linked to a lower risk of accumulating multiple long-term conditions in old age.

The less satisfying these relationships are in your 40s and 50s, the greater the risk of having several illnesses later in life,  University of Queensland investigators suggested.

Dairy advocates BRITONS are drinking less milk,and consumption continues to fall.

A third of under-35s are abandoning dairy on health or ethical grounds, opting for plant-based soya, almond or coconut “milks”.

But some health professionals argue that bones, heart and brains need the Vitamin B12, calcium and iodine in dairy products.

Even skimmed milk is less beneficial than the full-fat variety, some nutritionists say, as this is more filling and less harmful than was previously believed.

On the spot   ACNE can happen at any age.

There are many reasons why those no longer in the first flush of youth develop acne, ranging from hormonal changes to the side-effects of medication.

As with the young, it can be cleared up with an appropriate skincare routine although it is important to stay away from acne products for teenagers.

These can be too harsh for aging skin, which requires a gentle cleanser with a small amount of salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide.

Quite common  A TWITCH in one eyelid, known medically as myokymia, is generally common, harmless and temporary.

It happens to most of us at some time, a doctor will tell you, and is normally related to over-tiredness, coupled with stress and too much caffeine.

So long as the twitch is intermittent and limited to one side, you will probably be advised to get a good night’s sleep and limit caffeine intake to a daily couple of cups.

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Written by

Linda Hall

Originally from the UK, Linda is based in Valenca and is a reporter for The Euro Weekly News covering local news. Got a news story you want to share? Then get in touch at
