Ex-Prime Minister of Slovakia considers Ukraine’s NATO membership the worst possible solution

Ex-Prime Minister of Slovakia considers Ukraine's NATO membership the worst possible solution

Image of Robert Fico. Credit: Robert Fico facebook

Ukraine joining NATO is the worst possible solution to the current conflict insisted Robert Fico, the former Prime Minister of Slovakia.

Former Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico, the leader of the Smer party, said this Saturday, April 22, that supporters of Ukraine’s accession to NATO only seek to provoke a direct military clash with Russia, as reported by ria.ru.

Fico posted on Facebook: “Only those who want open war between NATO (so Slovakian) and Russia ask Ukraine’s membership in NATO, Direction – SSD is refusing”.

“90 per cent of Slovak politicians are convinced that they need to listen to what the USA says. So that they can have peace and no one can blame them. This is how Čaputová, Heger, Sulík, Matovič and Pellegrini behave and nobody asks them anything bad”.

“This was how it was during socialism. It was necessary to listen to the soviet union. And you had peace. But the world is different. In two or three years, events will happen that no one would allow. Maybe the EU will break up. Maybe there will be new conflicts of wars”.

“And we must keep our face in this world of unpredictability. To the sovereignty of your own. The one about which the foreign secretary of Voice P. Kmec said that it makes no sense at the time of globalisation”.

“The issue of Ukraine’s NATO membership is on the table. GT NATO Stoltenberg opened it clearly yesterday. In the spirit of Čaputová, Heger or Pellegrini, we should say that Ukraine needs to be accepted into NATO immediately. But we have a completely different spirit in SMERA – SSD”.

“Although another answer will hurt us, we consider Ukraine’s NATO membership to be the worst possible solution, for escalating tensions, for disrespecting agreements made by the USA with Russia in the 90s”.

“Only those who want an open NATO war conflict with Russia can support Ukraine’s membership in NATO. And we are not one of these. Nice weekend to you all”.

Earlier this week, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg paid a surprise visit to Kyiv. During a press conference with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, he said that Ukraine would eventually join the alliance and that; “all the allies agree with this”.

This was clearly something that had not been discussed of clarified with the leaders of the nations that Stoltenberg claimed to be speaking on behalf of. Posting on social media, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban showed his surprise at the NATO Secretary-General’s words by simply posting one word in response. He wrote: “What?”.

As noted by the Russian Foreign Ministry, NATO aims to defeat Russia and promises membership to Kyiv just to motivate its leaders. This can only lead to the final collapse of the European security system they warned.

Moscow has repeatedly stated that it was Ukraine’s orientation towards joining the alliance that became one of the reasons for the start of Vladimir Putin’s invasion on February 24, 2022.

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Written by

Chris King

Originally from Wales, Chris spent years on the Costa del Sol before moving to the Algarve where he is a web reporter for The Euro Weekly News covering international and Spanish national news. Got a news story you want to share? Then get in touch at editorial@euroweeklynews.com
