The recent rainfall brought welcome relief to vineyards and this season’s harvest in Malaga province « Euro Weekly News

The recent rainfall brought welcome relief to vineyards and this season’s harvest in Malaga province

Image of a woman holding green grapes in her hand.

Image of a woman holding a bunch of green grapes. Credit: HQuality/

Even though the recent rainfall in Malaga province has not had any significant impact on the reservoirs, it has brought welcome relief to the local vineyards at least.

According to José María Losantos, the President of the Regulatory Council of Malaga, assured that the downpours had been especially beneficial in the Axarquia area.

It is an area that has very special characteristics in its soil he explained, and where it usually rains less than in other areas. There is also an important presence of vineyards such as the Serrania de Ronda, where the rain brought a significant respite for the plants, although somewhat lower than was required.

Voicing his optimism about this season’s harvest, he said: “We had some good rainfall, a priori we will have a good harvest, although we have to wait to see the evolution of the vineyards”.

The owners of various wineries shared their delight at the recent rainfall

His opinion was shared by the heads of different wineries who had previously expressed their concern about the stress they were beginning to feel in the plants due to the lack of rain just a few weeks ago.

Flavio Salesi, head of the Descalzos Viejos winery, acknowledged: “It has been a great relief”. He also highlighted the importance it had presented for the new plantations: “It gave them a considerable respite”, he admitted.

A similar opinion was expressed by Bibi García, technical director of Los Aguilares winery, who pointed out that the recent rainfall had been ‘magnificent’ for this crop.

Reflecting on the benefits of the rain to the vineyards, Pedro Morales, the head of the Lunares winery, used a popular proverb as he noted: “They have been like water in May”.

Vicente Inat, head of the Axarquia winery, Viñedos Verticales, also works with two wineries in Ronda He explained that: “If water could be chosen à la carte it would not be this date that I would select, but, it will undoubtedly have benefits, better to have some water than the drought we had“.

Rain at this time of the season though could bring with it the problem of the appearance of fungi. “If they arrive, we will deal with them”, Inat said. “Now the plant has to fatten the grapes that set and need strength,” he concluded.

Pedro Morales, the president of the winemakers in the Serrania de Ronda also pointed to a good harvest for the next vintage, although he expected to be somewhat lower than last year’s yield.

The evolution of this season’s harvest will depend a lot on how hot the summer is. With the amount of water that recently fell, the plants will tend to suffer water stress. This occurs when there are very high temperatures during the day and then there is not enough cooling at night, as reported by

Written by

Chris King

Originally from Wales, Chris spent years on the Costa del Sol before moving to the Algarve where he is a web reporter for The Euro Weekly News covering international and Spanish national news. Got a news story you want to share? Then get in touch at
