The Arts Society of Nerja presents ‘The Last Supper in Pompeii’

Image of mosaics from ancient Rome.

Image of mosaics from ancient Rome. Credit: The Nerja Arts Society on Facebook

FOR the Romans, some of life’s most pleasurable moments were spent getting together to eat and drink, in a pub, in a simple flat, or at a banquet in a triclinium or grand dining room.

On Tuesday, November 14, starting at 6 pm, the Arts Society of Nerja will present a lecture titled ‘The Last Supper in Pompeii’, celebrating this Roman love affair with food and wine.

Paul Roberts, the Research Keeper in the Department of Antiquities at the Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology at Oxford University will be the guest speaker. The event is sponsored by Dr Rik Heymans.

What will the lecture consist of?

Attendees will be taken on a journey from fields and vineyards to markets and shops, from tables to toilets and the tomb.

There will be a visit the fertile vine-filled slopes of Vesuvius, before going into the bustling city, past shops and bars, entering the home with its grand reception rooms, and lovely garden filled with flowers and fountains.

You recline in the dining room, with exotic food and fine wine, surrounded by Greek-style luxury; beautiful silver, mosaics and frescoes. But don’t go in the kitchen! No fridge, no running water, no hygiene (and an open cess pit next to the cooker!).

Lastly, there will be a look at how Roman ideas and customs on food caught on in Roman Britain. Along with the Roman gods of fertility and wine come exotic imports like pepper, figs and the finest fish sauce.

The birth of the British beer industry will be witnessed and you can even see the British dead, feasting into the afterlife, like all good Romans.

Wonderfully familiar friends, star pieces from Pompeii and Naples Archaeological Museum, together with some of the latest discoveries from Pompeii, will lead the way on a journey into this exploration of the Romans’ favourite pastime.

As our bony friend in the mosaic might say, carpe diem  – seize the day!!

How do you join this lecture?

To join this event there is no need to book. Just turn up at the door of the Cultural Centre. Entrance is free to members of the 2324 season.

Members of other branches of The Arts Society will be charged €5. Non-members will be charged €10, so don’t forget to join/renew before the lecture!

The lecture can also be viewed via Zoom from home. On the day before the lecture members of the 23/24 season will be sent an email with a direct link.

Non-members on the centre’s mailing list (ie friends and people who were members last season but haven’t yet been renewed) will be sent an email with a link to the page to pay €10.

Full information on this and other forthcoming events can be found on the Arts Society of Nerja’s official Facebook page.

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Written by

Chris King

Originally from Wales, Chris spent years on the Costa del Sol before moving to the Algarve where he is a web reporter for The Euro Weekly News covering international and Spanish national news. Got a news story you want to share? Then get in touch at
