Harley Davidson rally

Harley Davidson rally

Harley Davidson rally Photo: Rawpixel CC

The Benalmádena Commerce Department, led by councillor Raúl Campos, held a meeting with the Harley Davidson Club Andalucía for the organisation of a rally which will be held from April 12 to 14 at the Arroyo de la Miel fairgrounds.

The initiative will also include a motorbike tourism route, scheduled for Saturday April 13 and there will be concerts on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

Attendees will not only enjoy live music, food and a good atmosphere, but also the Harley Davidson motorbikes, as well as other vehicles, which will gather throughout the weekend.

This initiative, which is organised by Benalmádena Town Hall, Muya Eventos and HDC Andalucía, “is another incentive to attract residents and visitors to the heart of Benalmádena”, said Campos.

The forecast is for a high turnout, as attendees will not only enjoy live music, food and a good atmosphere, but also the Harley Davidson motorbike themselves.

“We continue to work to attract new initiatives to the municipality that have an impact on our hospitality businesses said Campos. The Councillor asked residents and visitors to, “mark the weekend in their diaries to enjoy the good atmosphere that the Harley Davidsons will bring to the town with a weekend of guaranteed fun”.

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Written by

Kevin Fraser Park

Kevin was born in Scotland and worked in marketing, running his own businesses in UK, Italy and, for the last 8 years, here in Spain. He moved to the Costa del Sol in 2016 working initially in real estate. He has a passion for literature and particularly the English language which is how he got into writing.
