UPDATE - Helpful guide to the psicotécnico needed to exchange your driver’s licence « Euro Weekly News

UPDATE – Helpful guide to the psicotécnico needed to exchange your driver’s licence

UK Driver´s licence exchange now only waiting on Spain´s signature

Drivers licence - Image Bartosz Zakrzewski / Shutterstock.com

09:01 (January 24) –  A helpful guide to the psicotécnico test that is needed to exchange your British driver’s licence has been provided by N332.

The group of police officers who work to help foreigners understand the traffic laws in Spain have posted a helpful video, in English, online.

The video outlines the cost of the test, where you can get tested and what the test entails.

There has been no further update on when we can expect the agreement on the exchange of licences will be published, however, the British Embassy has stressed that this will be soon. The data is, however, out of their hands and subject to the Spanish government’s meeting agenda.

20:20 (January 18) – Those who have been unable to exchange their UK driver’s licence for a Spanish one will be pleased to know that the final agreement is with the Spanish government for signing.

An update provided by the British Embassy earlier this week said that the final agreement has been sent to the Consejo de Ministros for approval.

Ambassador Hugh Elliott confirmed on Wednesday, January 18 that it was now a case of waiting for the agreement to be approved and signed. But he said that is out of the Embassy´s hands.

The Consejo de Ministros does meet weekly according to the Ambassador, however, what is submitted to and dealt with by the team depends very much on what legislative and administrative changes are being dealt with.

Simply, if there are more pressing and urgent items then it could take a week or two for the agreement to be presented. Assuming that there is little on the agenda then the issue could be dealt with more quickly.

With all the legal checks completed on both sides, the Embassy does not expect any hiccups.

Once the document has been approved and signed there will be a formal exchange of notes with the Agreement coming into force once it is published in the BOE (state bulletin).

The Embassy has recommended that people book to get their psicotécnico test in place, without which you will not be able to exchange your licence. Certificates are valid for three months and will be accepted provided they are submitted prior to expiry.

To remind you the test consists of an eye test and a reaction test which is completed on a machine using two joysticks. The idea behind that test is to check that you are able to keep the vehicle and the road and that you are able to respond to situations.

Tests can be retaken until you pass and as such should not be feared. Where the examiner is concerned or where there are underlying conditions a brief interview with a doctor may also take place.

The official test locations can be found on the DGT website (https://www.dgt.es/…/centros-reconocimiento-conductores/). Solicitors specialising in licences can also submit documents on your behalf or if you prefer, you can do so yourself.

After months of waiting the agreement is ready to be signed and that could see UK Driver´s licence exchanges taking place as early as February.

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Written by

Peter McLaren-Kennedy

Originally from South Africa, Peter is based on the Costa Blanca and is a web reporter for the Euro Weekly News covering international and Spanish national news. Got a news story you want to share? Then get in touch at editorial@euroweeklynews.com.
