Chef James Martin Reveals Shock Diagnosis Following ‘Bully’ Accusations On Spanish Adventure

James Martin Apologises Following Bullying Accusations

TV Chef James Martin. Credit: JamesMartin/

Following accusations of bullying behaviour, one of TV’s favourite Chefs has now revealed that he recently received a diagnosis of cancer.

It has been an eventful week for one of the UK’s top chefs and TV presenters, James Martin. He was left reeling after two accusations of bullying were cited, for which he apologised, only to be followed up by him confiding that he has had a recent health scare, writes Metro.

It emerged earlier this week that James Martin has been accused of intimidating his film crew on several occasions.

Specifically, the complaints were in reference to the recent filming of James Martin’s Spanish Adventure. This was also coupled with an earlier incident in 2018, in which Martin railed against members of the production team after a drain became blocked at his house while filming James Martin’s Saturday Morning.

Shock Cancer Diagnosis

Martin has broken his silence to reveal that he was diagnosed with facial cancer and underwent surgery in 2018 after which it returned on ‘several occasions.’

The under-fire chef confided: ‘I was then diagnosed with cancer on my face and I had to have surgery, which I couldn’t do until two days before Christmas when we had finished filming. Since then it has returned on several occasions, and I have to have regular treatments.’

Complaints while Filming Spanish Adventure

It is understood that ITV received a complaint in May this year, from colleagues who had worked with Martin, leading the broadcaster to meet with James to discuss his conduct.

According to Deadline, the production team on Spanish Adventure claimed that Martin often rebuked people in front of other colleagues and reduced them to tears.

It is also alleged that he changed schedules at the last minute, which gave staff just a few hours sleep before they resumed filming the following morning, whereupon he himself arrived an hour late.

Chef Apologises

In response, the presenter issued a statement in which he was ‘shocked by what had happened and on reflection acknowledges he responded emotionally, which he wholly regrets.’

Martin apologised unreservedly on his Twitter page: ‘Firstly, I would like to publicly and sincerely apologise to the crew involved in this incident.’

He added that the year before the incident he had suffered numerous traumatic episodes including the death of a close relative, a burglary and the cancer diagnosis.

‘After all this stress I was in a very emotional state, and when after filming in early January 2018 I discovered my home had been flooded while filming, I was extremely upset.’

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Written by

John Ensor

Originally from Doncaster, Yorkshire, John now lives in Galicia, Northern Spain with his wife Nina. He is passionate about news, music, cycling and animals.
